Saturday, August 12, 2006

duke of ed phy rec requirement?

Had badminton today becuase we had to fufill the duke of ed physical recreation requirement..We were going okay..until..the terrors had to come and had to insist on playing.. ^&*(*&^#!@.. can't they wait till we've finished playing?? They can play whenever when they want..but we can't..because we are doing badminton together..and they just had to insist on playing..Plus 2 terrors..we have 5 people..playing on like 40 x 40 square(x4)?? there just simply not enough space!! besides...their skills are like terror likes to play tennis style *wth!!* and the other terror justs complain and nag the whole day long.. And they have not done what they had to..-*practice cello* and none of them wanted to give way..and therefore..if one didn't want to give way..the other had to..if not parents would kill us..and so I had to give up my time.. !#$%$#$..and the requirement for it was like 3 hrs!! as if I'm actually going to find the time to play becuase there are loads of projects to do.. to dinner..


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